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                                       Details van artikel 58 van 172 gevonden artikelen
  Critical Practice In The Global Era: The Question Concerning 'Other' Geographies
Titel: Critical Practice In The Global Era: The Question Concerning 'Other' Geographies
Auteur: Akcan, Esra
Verschenen in: Architectural theory review
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (2002) nr. 1 pagina's 37-57
Jaar: 2002-04
Inhoud: In this article I give a Critical overview of various approaches that are collected under the term postcolonial studies, in order to raise some crucial topics of discussion concerning 'other' geographies under the process of globalization. I use the term 'other' in ironical and distancing quotation marks in order to criticize the very same process of making the 'other' First. I discuss questions raised by revisionist histories that reread modern architecture through perspectives informed by Orientalism and colonialism. Then. I make a distinction between two positions in architectural theory informed by postcolonial studies following either poststructuralist and humanist trajectories. In order to discuss the contributions and possible shortcomings of each. I focus on textual analyses of some key texts from both trajectories that are significant for the architectural discipline. The main question that differentiates the two, I suggest, lies in the possibility of constructing a non-Eurocentric definition of universality as opposed to a coexistence with respect to incommensurable differences. Finally, I suggest some further points of discussion, especially by proposing a dialogue between the studies of globalization and the postcolonial discourse.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 58 van 172 gevonden artikelen
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