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                                       Details van artikel 123 van 172 gevonden artikelen
  Notes On Critical Practice
Titel: Notes On Critical Practice
Auteur: Hartoonian, Gevork
Verschenen in: Architectural theory review
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (2002) nr. 1 pagina's 1-14
Jaar: 2002-04
Inhoud: This paper discusses some aspects of the experience of modernity to map thematic of critical practice in architecture. The stakes are high for critical practice if we agree that only in postmodernity we have the historical chance to make a full distinction between modernization and the project of modernity. While modernization involves transformation of institutions and systems of representation, the project of modernity questions the very values of those institutions. This differentiation was not available to the early century's avant-garde artists and architects. Besides, saturation of the life-world by the fetishism of commodity value has underminedthe homology between the body, technology and building, a condition whose tradition still could overcast the horizon of modem architecture. Discussing selected benchmarks of events and concepts from the spectrum of modernity. I would like to stress the importance of some themes from contemporary architectural theories that involves critical practice.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 123 van 172 gevonden artikelen
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