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  Observation of the fast component in the fluorescence of gaseous SO2 excited to the A1A2 state in the presence of a magnetic field
Titel: Observation of the fast component in the fluorescence of gaseous SO2 excited to the A1A2 state in the presence of a magnetic field
Verschenen in: Molecular physics
Paginering: Jaargang 89 (1996) nr. 6 pagina's 1803-1823
Jaar: 1996-12-20
Inhoud: Effects of an external magnetic field (B) on the SO2 fluorescence have been examined under excitation of the 'C' band and the single rotational levels of the 'B' and 'E' bands of the A(1A2) ← X1A2 transition. For the 'C' band, the total SO2 fluorescence was studied, while for excitation of the single rotational levels, fluorescence of the single rotational lines of (rR8(5) (31711 cm-1), pP7(7) (31662 cm-1)) ('E' band) and of (rR8(8) (31000 cm-1), pP10(10) (30927 cm-1)) ('B' band) was studied. Decay of the SO2 fluorescence was studied with nanosecond time resolution in the 1.5-50 mTorr region. In the presence of a magnetic field, decay of the total SO2 fluorescence and of the fluorescence belonging to the single rotational lines were fitted by the bi-exponential functions. In the case of the total SO2 fluorescence, this function also includes the time independent term, which, however, is dependent on a magnetic field. The time independent term belongs to the long-living component, which can be approximated by a constant in the time-scale studied. Radiationless processes induced by an external field were directly observed. The magnetic field and pressure dependences of the processes induced by a field were studied under excitation of the SO2 fluorescence by light of a different wavelength. The data obtained were explained by the direct mechanism.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 11 van 17 gevonden artikelen
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