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  Interactions in symmetric top molecules between vibrational polyads: rotational and rovibrational spectroscopy of low-lying states of propyne, H3C-C≡CH
Title: Interactions in symmetric top molecules between vibrational polyads: rotational and rovibrational spectroscopy of low-lying states of propyne, H3C-C≡CH
Author: Pracna, P.
Muller, H. S. P.
Klee, S.
Horneman, V. -M.
Appeared in: Molecular physics
Paging: Volume 102 (2004) nr. 14-15 pages 1555-1568
Year: 2004-07-01
Contents: More than 700 new pure rotational transitions (Δν=0, ΔJ=1, Δk=0) pertaining to the vibrational states ν10=1, 2 and ν9=l have been recorded between 85 and 922GHz corresponding to 4≤J''≤53. In the case of ν10=1, high-K transitions could be recorded up to Kl10=-17 and +19, respectively, only limited by the vanishing intensities of these lines involving highly excited states. Similarly, the ν9=1+1 subbranch could be followed up to K=18. Investigations of the other subbranches were limited to K values below those severely perturbed by Fermi interactions with vibrational states of the next tetrad approximately 350cm-1 higher in vibrational energy. Moreover, perturbations in the K=8 stack of ν5=1 could be traced to a intervibrational q12 resonance with ν10=2-2, K=9. Several highly perturbed transitions, including transitions between the two vibrational states, have been recorded in the submillimetre range and fit to within experimental uncertainties. The intervibrational transitions also permitted one to improve the determination of the K level structure in the ground vibrational state. The analysis of a previously recorded high resolution infrared spectrum of the ν10 region around 331cm-1 has been extended to high-K values for the cold ν10 band and to a substantial portion of the 2ν10-ν10 hot band. Furthermore, new high resolution infrared spectra of propyne have been recorded around 650, 1000 and 1350cm-1. Assignments for the ν9 and ν5 bands with origins at 639 and 930cm-1 encompass those of previous studies. The 2ν10, l=0 subband at 651cm-1 has been assigned for the first time. The global fit of pure rotational and rovibrational data obtained in the present study, combined with previous data for the ν10=1 state and the ν5=1, ν10=ν9=1, ν10=3 and ν8=1 tetrad, has resulted in the first quantitative descriptions of the Fermi-type interaction between ν9=1 and ν10=ν9=1 as well as between ν10=2 and ν10=3 and of Coriolis type interactions between ν10=2 and ν9=1 and ν5=1, respectively. In addition, the combined analysis yielded improved spectroscopic parameters for the Fermi resonances between ν10=1 and v10=2 and between ν9=1 and ν10=2, as well as for the Coriolis interaction between ν10=1 and ν9=1.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 10 of 18 found articles
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