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  Between ethics and politics: Gramsci's theory of intellectuals
Titel: Between ethics and politics: Gramsci's theory of intellectuals
Auteur: Martin, James
Verschenen in: Modern Italy
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1998) nr. 1 pagina's 67-85
Jaar: 1998-05
Inhoud: This article examines Gramsci's theory of intellectuals in the light of Bauman's distinction between 'legislators' and 'interpreters'. By distinguishing descriptive and prescriptive dimensions to Gramsci's theory, it is possible to see a tension between the dual ethical and political functions that he attributes to 'organic intellectuals'. In the one, Gramsci effectively deconstructs the intellectual's role as the bearer of universal knowledge, while in the other he reconstructs that role through an emphasis on the revolutionary party. It is argued that the tensions in Gramsci's theory stem from his attachment to a peculiarly modern conception of the relationship between intellectuals, culture and the state.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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