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                                       Details van artikel 35 van 131 gevonden artikelen
  From private to public: Alba de Cespedes' agony column in 1950s Italy
Titel: From private to public: Alba de Cespedes' agony column in 1950s Italy
Auteur: Morris, Penny
Verschenen in: Modern Italy
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2004) nr. 1 pagina's 11-20
Jaar: 2004-05
Inhoud: A unique, if problematical, historical source for the study of the 'private sphere', the problem page has, as yet, been the subject of little serious attention. This article initially considers the problem page in general terms, and with particular reference to 1950s Italy, a time when a notable feature of the changing patterns of cultural consumption was the emergence and upsurge in popularity of the weekly magazine. The rest of the paper is devoted to an analysis of best-selling author Alba de Cespedes' agony column, 'Dalla parte di lei', published in the magazine Epoca. The article shows that the column provides intriguing insights into the state of family and marriage during a time of transition. It discusses the idea of the agony column as a commodity, but also highlights de Cespedes' aim of providing a kind of compendium of lay morals, arguing that any attempt to provide an alternative to the Catholic Church, and the prevailing conservative attitudes of the time, was a matter of careful negotiation.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 35 van 131 gevonden artikelen
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