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                                       Details for article 33 of 186 found articles
  Champagne socialism: luxury in Fourier's utopia
Title: Champagne socialism: luxury in Fourier's utopia
Author: McWilliam, Neil
Appeared in: Modern & contemporary France
Paging: Volume 9 (2001) nr. 2 pages 149-160
Year: 2001-05-01
Contents: Fourier's vision of material gratification in works such as Le Nouveau Monde amoureux comprehensively overturns a suspicion of the destabilising effects of luxury inherent to classical European political theory. This article explores the basis upon which Fourier was able to achieve this revolution. It focuses on his theories of human psychology, his insistence on the positive effects of material inequality in a harmoniously regulated society, and his abolition of the social division between mental and physical labour on which earlier critiques of luxury had been based. Set against an investigation of attitudes towards luxury in early modern and Enlightenment political thought, it argues that Fourier's utopia is ultimately framed by the all-encompassing gaze of a thinker who eliminates potential tensions between individual gratification and social harmony through blunt assertion rather than theoretical engagement with his antecedents.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 33 of 186 found articles
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