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  The power of the spoken word: Sociolinguistic cues influence the misinformation effect
Titel: The power of the spoken word: Sociolinguistic cues influence the misinformation effect
Auteur: Vornik, Lana
Sharman, Stefanie
Garry, Maryanne
Verschenen in: Memory
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (2003) nr. 1 pagina's 101-109
Jaar: 2003
Inhoud: We investigated whether the sociolinguistic information delivered by spoken, accented postevent narratives would influence the misinformation effect. New Zealand subjects listened to misleading postevent information spoken in either a New Zealand (NZ) or North American (NA) accent. Consistent with earlier research, we found that NA accents were seen as more powerful and more socially attractive. We found that accents per se had no influence on the misinformation effect but sociolinguistic factors did: both power and social attractiveness affected subjects' susceptibility to misleading postevent suggestions. When subjects rated the speaker highly on power, social attractiveness did not matter; they were equally misled. However, when subjects rated the speaker low on power, social attractiveness did matter: subjects who rated the speaker high on social attractiveness were more misled than subjects who rated it lower. There were similar effects for confidence. These results have implications for our understanding of social influences on the misinformation effect.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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