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  Politics of a Church at War: Maronite Catholicism in the Lebanese Civil War
Titel: Politics of a Church at War: Maronite Catholicism in the Lebanese Civil War
Auteur: Henley, Alexander D. M.
Verschenen in: Mediterranean politics
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 353-369
Jaar: 2008-11
Inhoud: Intrinsically linked to the power-sharing Maronite Catholic community, and historically tied to the fate of Lebanon, the Maronite Church was deeply involved in, and affected by, the 1975-90 Civil War. This study seeks to understand the changing role of the patriarchs during this time, recognizing that their relative withdrawal from politics - declining to assert the temporal authority of their predecessors - does not equate to the marginalization of the church as a whole. Analysing the internal politics of the church as a microcosm of the community's struggle, the study examines in detail a threefold relationship between the patriarchate, the papacy, and the monastic orders.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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