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                                       Details for article 2 of 11 found articles
  Can city QOL indicators be objective and relevant? Towards a participatory tool for sustaining urban development
Title: Can city QOL indicators be objective and relevant? Towards a participatory tool for sustaining urban development
Author: Leitmann, Josef
Appeared in: Local environment
Paging: Volume 4 (1999) nr. 2 pages 169-180
Year: 1999-06
Contents: The paper concludes its first section by answering the title question: no, QOL indicators cannot be purely objective but yes, they can be relevant while being subjective. The second section develops a framework for making measures of urban QOL more relevant. The objective is that such indicators can be a useful tool for sustaining urban development into the next millennium. The framework consists of three elements: (a) a process—QOL indicators should be locally developed through an approach that combines expertise with stakeholder consultation; (b) an output—developing, collecting and evaluating QOL measurements should be linked to implementation of policies, programmes and/or projects; and (c) a method—a series of tested guidelines should be applied to ensure that QOL indicators are realistic, both logistically (they can be collected) and analytically (they are appropriate measures). Real-world examples are used to illustrate points made in the paper.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 2 of 11 found articles
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