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  EIA Training for Urban Local Authorities in Africa
Titel: EIA Training for Urban Local Authorities in Africa
Auteur: Chaibva, Shem
Verschenen in: Local environment
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (2000) nr. 1 pagina's 97-106
Jaar: 2000-02-01
Inhoud: This paper reports on the participation of the International Council for Local Initiatives (ICLEI) in EIA training in sub-Saharan Africa. It draws from the experiences of an EIA training project in which 365 participants from 17 African cities in six sub-Saharan African countries participated. A total of 27 resource persons from six African countries were hired and gained experience as EIA trainers for local authorities. A number of participating local authorities are already implementing and competently evaluating EIAs as a result of the training workshops. The successful implementation of EIA at the local level greatly depends on the awareness and understanding, by all the stakeholders, of the relevant legislative framework in which the EIA programme is applied. The participants were asked to identify impacts of specific projects, determine mitigation measures and recommend a suitable monitoring programme. The field exercises proved extremely valuable in that they provided a practical opportunity for workshop participants to build essential EIA skills while at the same time providing input into the actual development process in some cases. After the training workshop, participants opined that they were able to understand the value of EIA and the need for its incorporation into the decision-making process.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 25 van 105 gevonden artikelen
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