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                                       Details van artikel 74 van 131 gevonden artikelen
  Phase behaviour of thermotropic banana-shaped compounds under pressure
Titel: Phase behaviour of thermotropic banana-shaped compounds under pressure
Auteur: Prasad, S. Krishna
Maeda, Yoji
Rao, Shankar D. S.
Nagamani, Anitha S.
Hiremath, Uma S.
Yelamaggad, C. V.
Verschenen in: Liquid crystals
Paginering: Jaargang 30 (2003) nr. 11 pagina's 1277-1283
Jaar: 2003-11
Inhoud: The phase behaviour of two achiral bent core banana-shaped compounds, the hexyloxy (compound I) and decyloxy (compound II) members of the 1,3-phenylene bis[N-(2-hydroxy-4-n-alkoxybenzylidene)-4'-aminobenzoate] series was investigated under hydrostatic pressures up to 300 MPa using high pressure differential thermal analysis and light transmission methods. The reversible transition sequence crystal (Cr1)-B1 phase-isotropic liquid (I), observed at room pressure for compound I, remains in the pressure region up to c 70 MPa. At higher pressures a pressure-induced crystalline phase (Cri) appears between the Cr1 and B1 phases, its temperature region becoming wider with increasing pressure. The temperature vs. pressure phase diagram shows a triple point of 72.9 MPa and 160.3°C for the Cr1, Cri and B1 phases, indicating the lower limit of pressure for the Cri phase. In compound II the reversible transition sequence crystal (Cr1)-B2 phase-I is seen over the whole pressure region, and the temperature range of the B2 phase remains unaltered. It is concluded that both the B1 and B2 banana phases are stable over the whole pressure region studied.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 74 van 131 gevonden artikelen
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