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  Prediction of hemispheric asymmetry as measured by handedness from digit length and 2D:4D digit ratio
Titel: Prediction of hemispheric asymmetry as measured by handedness from digit length and 2D:4D digit ratio
Auteur: Jackson, Chris
Verschenen in: Laterality
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2008) nr. 1 pagina's 34-50
Jaar: 2008-01
Inhoud: Hemispheric asymmetry is widely theorised as having a basis in prenatal androgen levels. However, these theories ignore a second round of asymmetrical changes in the brain, which occur at the same time as post-puberty surges in androgens. Hemispheric asymmetry in adults might therefore be explained in terms of the joint effects of prenatal and post-pubertal androgen levels. Evidence is emerging that the ratio between the length of the second and fourth digits (2D:4D) is related to prenatal androgen exposure, and that digit length is related to post-puberty levels of androgen exposure. In this study, hemispheric asymmetry is measured as handedness, prenatal androgen levels as 2D:4D, and post-puberty androgen levels as digit length. Right-handedness is associated with consistent prenatal and post puberty androgen release whereas left-handedness is associated with mixed levels of androgen release. Age, race, and sex effects were explored but were not significant.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland