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  Handedness as a Predictor of Increased Risk of Knee, Elbow, or Shoulder Injury, Fractures and Broken Bones
Titel: Handedness as a Predictor of Increased Risk of Knee, Elbow, or Shoulder Injury, Fractures and Broken Bones
Auteur: Coren, Stanley
Verschenen in: Laterality
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (1996) nr. 2 pagina's 139-152
Jaar: 1996-05-01
Inhoud: Several recent studies suggest that left-handers have higher susceptibility to accidental injury. Two studies investigated the suggested link between sinistrality and accidental injury by assessing the prevalence of joint problems, bone breaks, and fractures, which may be the sequelae of such mishaps. Study 1 used retrospective responses on medical history checklists completed by 1064 males on active duty with the United States Air Force. It found that left-handers were at significantly higher risk for knee problems (RR = 2.74), elbow and shoulder problems (RR = 3.03), and also swollen and painful joints (RR = 1.87), although there was no difference in the incidence of broken bones. Study 2 used an expanded handedness scale and retrospective reports of both bone breaks and fractures in a predominantly university sample of 1716 (975 women, 741 men) with median age of 20 years, and demonstrated that non-right-handers were at greater risk for bone breaks and fractures (RR = 1.24). As joint problems, as well as bone breaks and fractures, are often the aftermath of accidents that result in falls or collisions with unyielding objects, the fact that left-handers are more likely to suffer from these problems is consistent with the suggestion that sinistrals are more susceptible to accident-related injuries.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 2 van 4 gevonden artikelen
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