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                                       Details van artikel 183 van 221 gevonden artikelen
  Street Youth Crime: A Test of Control Balance Theory
Titel: Street Youth Crime: A Test of Control Balance Theory
Auteur: Baron, Stephen W.
Forde, David R.
Verschenen in: Justice quarterly
Paginering: Jaargang 24 (2007) nr. 2 pagina's 335-355
Jaar: 2007-06
Inhoud: Utilizing a sample of 400 homeless street youths, the paper explores the role control balance plays in the generation of crime. Using vignettes designed to represent violent crime, serious property crime, and minor property crime, the paper tests whether these youths sense of control over their poverty, shelter, hunger and other living conditions influences their participation in crime. Further, it examines how perceptions of risk and thrill, as well as deviant values, self-control, deviant histories, and peer support impact on crime. Results indicate that both control deficits and control surpluses were related to assault and serious theft but not minor theft. Perceptions of thrill, deviant peers, deviant histories, and deviant values predicted violent and property crime, and perceptions of risk were related to the property offenses. Criminal peers also conditioned the impact of control surpluses and deficits on property offenses. Results are discussed in terms of future research and policy.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 183 van 221 gevonden artikelen
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