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  Cricket fast bowling performance and technique and the influence of selected physical factors during an 8-over spell
Titel: Cricket fast bowling performance and technique and the influence of selected physical factors during an 8-over spell
Auteur: R. Portus, Peter J. Sinclair, Stephen T. Burke, David J.A. Moore, Patrick J. Farhart, Marc
Verschenen in: Journal of sports sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (2000) nr. 12 pagina's 999-1011
Jaar: 2000-12-01
Inhoud: The aims of this study were to determine the influence of an 8-over spell on cricket fast bowling technique and performance (speed and accuracy), and to establish the relationship of selected physical capacities with technique and performance during an 8-over spell. Fourteen first-grade fast bowlers with a mean age of 23 years participated in the study. Physical capacities assessed were abdominal strength, trunk stability, selected girth and skinfold measures. During the delivery stride, bowlers were filmed from an overhead and lateral perspective (50 Hz) to obtain two-dimensional data for transverse plane shoulder alignment and sagittal plane knee joint angle respectively. Ball speed was measured by a radar gun and accuracy by the impact point of each delivery on a zoned scoring target at the batter's stumps. Shoulder counter-rotation did not change significantly between overs 2 and 8 for all bowlers, but was significantly related to a more front-on shoulder orientation at back foot impact. When the front-on fast bowlers ( n = 5) were isolated for analysis, shoulder counter-rotation increased significantly between overs 2 and 8. Ball speed remained constant while accuracy showed some non-significant variation during the spell. Shoulder counter-rotation was significantly related to accuracy scores during the second half of the 8-over spell. Chest girth and composition and body composition were significantly related to ball release speed at various times during the spell.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 20 van 88 gevonden artikelen
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