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  Confined Crystallization in Polymer Blends: DSC Studies of the Behavior and Kinetics of Isothermal Crystallization of Polypropylene in Poly(cis-butadiene) Rubber Blends
Titel: Confined Crystallization in Polymer Blends: DSC Studies of the Behavior and Kinetics of Isothermal Crystallization of Polypropylene in Poly(cis-butadiene) Rubber Blends
Auteur: Ma, Gui-Qiu
Sun, Hui
Li, Jing-Qing
Zhao, Yun-Hui
Sheng, Jing
Yu, Min
Verschenen in: Journal of macromolecular science. Part B, Physics
Paginering: Jaargang 47 (2008) nr. 5 pagina's 874-890
Jaar: 2008-09
Inhoud: Thermal properties of polypropylene with poly(cis-butadiene) rubber (iPP/PcBR) blends have been measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and the melting point Tm, crystallization temperature Tc, enthalpy Δ H (melting enthalpies and crystalline enthalpies), and equilibrium melting point T0m have been measured and calculated. The variation of Tm, Tc, Δ H and T0m with composition in the blends was discussed, showing that an interaction between phases is present in iPP/PcBR blends. The degree of supercooling characterizing the interaction between two phases in the blends and the crystallizability of the blends which bears a relationship to the composition of the blends was discussed. The kinetics of isothermal crystallization of the crystalline phase in iPP/PcBR blends was studied in terms of the Avrami equation, and the Avrami exponent n and velocity constant K were obtained. The Avrami exponent n is between 3 and 2, meaning that iPP has a thermal nucleation with two dimensional growths. The variation of the Avrami exponent n, velocity constant K, and crystallization rate G bear a relation to the composition of the blends, n increases with increasing content ofPcBR. K also increased with increasing content of PcBR. All of the K for the blends are greater than for pure iPP. The crystallization rate G (t1/2) depends on the compositions in the blends; all G of the blends are greater than for iPP.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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