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  Gamma irradiation of poly(phenylene sulfide): Effects on crystallization behavior
Titel: Gamma irradiation of poly(phenylene sulfide): Effects on crystallization behavior
Auteur: Bulakh, Neelima
Jog, J. P.
Verschenen in: Journal of macromolecular science. Part B, Physics
Paginering: Jaargang 34 (1995) nr. 1-2 pagina's 15-27
Jaar: 1995-02-01
Inhoud: The irradiation of polymers can bring about significant changes in the polymer structure and ultimately in their performance. Poly-(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) is an engineering polymer which is mostly used in applications where it is subjected to high-energy radiation. This paper reports the results of gamma irradiation of PPS. The technique of differential scanning calorimetry was used to monitor the changes in the melting and crystallization parameters of irradiated PPS. The heat of fusion was found to decrease upon irradiation, indicating a lower degree of crystallinity; however, a marginal increase was observed in the melting point. The nonisothermal crystallization of irradiated PPS indicated reduced crystallizability. This contention is also supported by the isothermal crystallization studies in which the crystallization rate for irradiated PPS was found to be decreased. The retardation in the crystallization of irradiated PPS has been attributed to the possible changes in the structure of the polymer.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 16 van 63 gevonden artikelen
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