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                                       Details for article 50 of 52 found articles
  Ukraine and the European Union: a perennial neighbour?
Title: Ukraine and the European Union: a perennial neighbour?
Author: Molchanov, Mikhail A.
Appeared in: Journal of european integration
Paging: Volume 26 (2004) nr. 4 pages 451-473
Year: 2004-12
Contents: As ten new states are integrated into a family of democratic European nations, Ukraine, the second largest post-Soviet state, is dismayed with the lack of progress in its own movement toward EU membership. While Kiev clamours to join the EU for both security and economic reasons, the Ukrainian government shies away from real reform at home. The paper examines dilemmas of Ukraine's 'European choice', focusing on the history of EU-Ukraine relations, Kiev's strategy, mass perceptions, and the reasons behind the EU's unwillingness to start pre-accession negotiations with the country. It concludes that the key obstacles in the way of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration are of Ukraine's own making and have to be addressed domestically. Ukraine's application for EU membership will not be favourably received until the country proves itself a democracy and reaches a higher level of economic development.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 50 of 52 found articles
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