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                                       Details van artikel 52 van 93 gevonden artikelen
  Placing identities: Transnational practices and local attachments of Turkish immigrants in Germany
Titel: Placing identities: Transnational practices and local attachments of Turkish immigrants in Germany
Auteur: Ehrkamp, Patricia
Verschenen in: Journal of ethnic and migration studies
Paginering: Jaargang 31 (2005) nr. 2 pagina's 345-364
Jaar: 2005-03
Inhoud: This paper examines the ways that Turkish immigrants create places of belonging in a German city. I suggest that transnational ties enable immigrants to forge local attachments through the production of place. Drawing on a neighbourhood case-study of Duisburg-Marxloh, I show how immigrants' transnational ties and practices visibly transform their current place of residence through transnational consumption, mass media, and the establishment of communal places such as mosques and teahouses that also contribute to conflicts between groups. Their placing of identities also forms an engagement with the receiving society, as immigrants are actively carving out belonging in the face of often hostile attitudes from German residents. Viewing immigrants' attachments from the perspective of places they create teases out the complexities of multiple and sometimes conflicting attachments of contemporary migrants, and allows for an understanding of transnational ties and engagement with the host society as complementary rather than contradictory.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 52 van 93 gevonden artikelen
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