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  Mineralization of p-nitrophenol by a new isolate Arthrobacter sp. Y1
Titel: Mineralization of p-nitrophenol by a new isolate Arthrobacter sp. Y1
Auteur: Li, Ying Y.
Zhou, Bo
Li, Wen
Peng, Xiang
Zhang, Jing S.
Yan, Yan C.
Verschenen in: Journal of environmental science and health. Part B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes
Paginering: Jaargang 43 (2008) nr. 8 pagina's 692-697
Jaar: 2008-11
Inhoud: Arthrobacter sp. Y1, capable of metabolizing p-nitrophenol (PNP) as the sole carbon, nitrogen and energy source was isolated from activated sludge. The bacterium could tolerate concentrations of PNP up to 600 mg L- 1, and degradation of PNP was achieved within 120 h of incubation. PNP and its metabolites were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The metabolite formed indicated that the organism followed the 4-nitrocathechol (4-NC) pathway for metabolism of this compound. The relevant degrading-enzyme was extracellular. Addition of other carbon source (glucose 0∼ 30 g L- 1) led to accelerated degradation. If the glucose concentration exceeded 30 g L- 1, however, degradation was repressed. Spectrophotometry assay of the nitrite and genotoxic study showed that strain Y1 could detoxify PNP. Therefore, the present study may provide a basis for the development of the bioremediation strategies to remedy the pollutants in the environment.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 15 gevonden artikelen
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