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  10 School decentralization and empowerment
Titel: 10 School decentralization and empowerment
Auteur: Reed, Rodney J.
Verschenen in: Journal of education policy
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (1991) nr. 5 pagina's 149-165
Jaar: 1991
Inhoud: School results for children of poverty - those forced by that poverty to live in inner-city neighbourhoods -generally indicate educational failure at a much higher rate than is seen for students nurtured by wealthier school districts. This failure in school severely limits chances of social and economic upward mobility, which translates into a waste of human capital for the nation's business-industrial-political complex, and dashed hopes, dreams and self-esteem for the individual. Parents and concerned citizens from across socio-economic strata, long aware of the general inadequacy of schools in poor communities, have demanded improvement, often seeking it through legal and political means. Important strategies among the various federal, state and local school reform efforts to make schooling a meaningful process for all students, and particularly the minority poor, are decentralization and citizen/parent empowerment, the focus of this chapter. The movement to decentralize school governance - an effort to place control into the hands of the people being served - has gained momentum and exists in some form in most large-city school districts today. An extension of administrative decentralization, citizen/parent empowerment is seen as one of several factors, including teacher and administrator preparation, curriculum renewal, school financing, and school restructuring, vital in the improvement of schools. A look at the meaning and scope of decentralization, operationalized through citizen/parent empowerment, and its probable effectiveness in improving school outcomes indicates that, alone, it is insufficient to ensure positive academic and social performance in school.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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