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  Syntheses of rare earth metal complexes with aminopolycarboxylic acids and study on structural changes: Nine-coordinated mononuclear K2[DyIII(dtpa)(H2O)]·6H2O and binuclear K4[HoIII2(dtpa)2]·4H2O
Titel: Syntheses of rare earth metal complexes with aminopolycarboxylic acids and study on structural changes: Nine-coordinated mononuclear K2[DyIII(dtpa)(H2O)]·6H2O and binuclear K4[HoIII2(dtpa)2]·4H2O
Auteur: Wang, Jun
Wang, Yu
Zhang, Xiang-Dong
Zhang, Zhao-Hong
Zhang, Yang
Kang, Li Ping
Li, Hong
Verschenen in: Journal of coordination chemistry
Paginering: Jaargang 58 (2005) nr. 11 pagina's 921-930
Jaar: 2005-07-20
Inhoud: The crystal and molecular structures of mononuclear K2[DyIII(dtpa)(H2O)]·6H2O (H5dtpa = diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) and binuclear K4[HoIII2(dtpa)2]·4H2O complexes have been determined by single-crystal X-ray structure analyses. The crystal of K2[DyIII(dtpa) (H2O)]·6H2O complex belongs to the triclinic crystal system,  [image omitted] space group. The [DyIII (dtpa)(H2O)]2- complex anion has a nine-coordinate pseudo-monocapped square antiprismatic structure, in which the nine coordinated atoms (three N and six O) are from one dtpa ligand and one water molecule. The crystal of K4[HoIII2(dtpa)2]·4H2O complex belongs to triclinic crystal system,  [image omitted] space group. The [HoIII2(dtpa)2]4- complex anion is composed of two identical parts and every HoIIIO6N3 has a nine-coordinate, distorted monocapped square antiprismatic structure, in which the dtpa ligand coordinates to one central HoIII ion with three N atoms and five O atoms and to the other HoIII ion with one O atom in the same coordinated carboxylic group. Although the DyIII and HoIII ions have close ionic radii (1.052 and 1.041 Å) and electronic configuration (f 9 and f10) they form mononuclear and binuclear nine-coordinate complexes, respectively. Perhaps there is a critical ionic radius for mononuclear and binuclear structures, namely the dtpa complexes of rare earth metals with larger ionic radii than 1.052 Å of DyIII ion adopt a mononuclear nine-coordinate structure, while those with smaller ionic radii than 1.041 Å of HoIII ion adopt a binuclear nine-coordinate structure.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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