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  Syntheses and Structural Studies of Triorganophosphinegold(I) Mercaptobenzoate Complexes
Titel: Syntheses and Structural Studies of Triorganophosphinegold(I) Mercaptobenzoate Complexes
Auteur: Cookson, Peter D.
Tiekink, Edward R. T.
Verschenen in: Journal of coordination chemistry
Paginering: Jaargang 26 (1992) nr. 4 pagina's 313-320
Jaar: 1992
Inhoud: Compounds of the type R3PAu(SC6H4CO2H), R = Et, Ph or c-hexyl have been prepared and characterized by IR, 1H and 13C NMR and FAB MS spectroscopic techniques. The Au atom has been shown to be linearly coordinated by the R3P ligand and the S atom of the thiolate; there is no interaction between the carboxylic acid function and the Au atom. These results were verified by a crystal structure analysis of the R = c-hexyl derivative which showed the Au atom to exist in a linear geometry with Au-S 2.313(I), Au-P 2.271(1) Å and S-Au-P 176.8(1)°. The c-hexyl3PAu(SC6H4CO2H) compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1, with unit cell dimensions a = 11.048(2), b = 13.752(1), c = 9.858(1) Å, α = 107.72(1), β = 97.99(1), γ = 111.46(1)° and Z = 2. The structure has been refined to final R = 0.036 and Rw = 0.036 for 4849 reflections with 1 ≥ 2.5 o (1).
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 8 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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