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                                       Details for article 8 of 10 found articles
  Rituals, Risks and Rivalries: China and ASEAN in the coming decades
Title: Rituals, Risks and Rivalries: China and ASEAN in the coming decades
Author: Leong, Ho Khai
Appeared in: The journal of contemporary China
Paging: Volume 10 (2001) nr. 29 pages 683-694
Year: 2001-11-01
Contents: This paper argues that Sino-ASEAN relations, despite reassurances and determination by both sides to increase interactions and cooperation, have some remaining areas of contention and contestation. After its long isolation, self-imposed or otherwise, the PRC has been able to integrate itself successfully into the political life, economies, and security interests of the region. The PRC's market potentials, military capabilities and its enormous size have both excited and threatened the Southeast Asian states. While the Southeast Asian states have been willing to engage this emerging regional power, they are also wary of the potential risks when dealing with it. Increasing trade, investment, and cultural levels between the two regions have made both sides increasingly aware of the opportunities and challenges involved. The relationship is not without problems, although there is a general consensus that it is on a much better footing than in recent decades. The present developments of their relationships and in the next decade are analyzed under three categories: rituals, risks and rivalries.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 8 of 10 found articles
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