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  Workshops as a technique for strategic change
Titel: Workshops as a technique for strategic change
Auteur: Greenly, Derek
Carnall, Colin
Verschenen in: Journal of change management
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2001) nr. 1 pagina's 33-46
Jaar: 2001-03
Inhoud: Multidisciplinary change workshops often form an important part of change programmes. Often run by consulting firms or business schools, sometimes run internally, they are little studied. Very little is revealed in major studies of change about the design, process or operation of these workshops. Yet they are generally seen as important to the quality of the change programme, the level of ownership, 'buy-in' and commitment. This study reports an evaluation of one such workshop designed to be a pivotal part of a programme of change designed to move Hewlett Packard to an 'output-based' model of consulting. By looking at participants' and tutors' evaluations over three workshops, we are able to explore the relevance of the workshop as a mechanism for making change and place it within what we know about the design of change programmes overall. From this it seems clear that the focus for workshop design must be the post-workshop period rather than only the workshop itself.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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