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                                       Details for article 74 of 153 found articles
  Investigating the Relationship between Exercise Imagery, Leisure-Time Exercise Behavior, and Self-Efficacy
Title: Investigating the Relationship between Exercise Imagery, Leisure-Time Exercise Behavior, and Self-Efficacy
Author: Cumming, Jennifer
Appeared in: Journal of applied sport psychology
Paging: Volume 20 (2008) nr. 2 pages 184-198
Year: 2008-04
Contents: The present study investigated the relationship between imagery use, leisure-time exercise, and exercise self-efficacy within a diverse range of exercisers. One hundred and sixty-two participants (Mage = 23.84; SD = 7.09; 97 female, 65 male) completed the Exercise Imagery Inventory (EII; Giacobbi, Hausenblas, & Penfield, 2005), the Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (Godin & Shepherd, 1985), and an exercise self-efficacy scale (Rodgers & Sullivan, 2001) directly following an exercise session. The EII was also modified to include two rating scales of visual and kinesthetic imagery ability. Separate hierarchical multiple regression analyses determined that appearance-health imagery significantly predicted exercise behavior and coping efficacy, and technique imagery significantly predicted task efficacy (all p < .001). Furthermore, exercisers' abilities to create appearance-health images moderated the relationship between imagery frequency and leisure-time exercise, coping efficacy, and scheduling efficacy (all p < .05). These findings suggest that appearance-health and technique imagery may lead to an increase in exercise behavior and self-efficacy beliefs.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 74 of 153 found articles
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