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                                       Details van artikel 38 van 153 gevonden artikelen
  Differences in Imagery Content and Imagery Ability Between High and Low Confident Track and Field Athletes
Titel: Differences in Imagery Content and Imagery Ability Between High and Low Confident Track and Field Athletes
Auteur: Abma, Cherie L.
Fry, Mary D.
Li, Yuhua
Relyea, George
Verschenen in: Journal of applied sport psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (2002) nr. 2 pagina's 67-75
Jaar: 2002-06-01
Inhoud: The purpose of this research was to examine how high and low trait sport confident track and field athletes differed in their imagery content and imagery ability. NCAA Division I track and field athletes ( M age = 20.5 +/- 1.61 years; M = 7.15 +/- 3.3 years experience; N = 111, 44 males and 67 females) completed the following measures: Trait Sport Confidence Inventory (TSCI), Sport Imagery Questionnaire (SIQ), and Movement Imagery Questionnaire - Revised (MIQ-R). Profile analyses revealed that high trait sport confident athletes utilized each category of imagery (Motivational General - Mastery, Motivational General - Arousal, Motivational Specific, Cognitive General, and Cognitive Specific) significantly more than low trait sport confident athletes. No significant differences emerged between the groups on the two imagery ability scales. The results suggest that the high confident athletes used more imagery, but they did not have higher imagery skills than low confident athletes.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 38 van 153 gevonden artikelen
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