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                                       Details for article 34 of 153 found articles
  Critical issues confronting the advancement of applied sport psychology
Title: Critical issues confronting the advancement of applied sport psychology
Author: Silva, John M.
Conroy, David E.
Zizzi, Samuel J.
Appeared in: Journal of applied sport psychology
Paging: Volume 11 (1999) nr. 2 pages 298-320
Year: 1999-09-01
Contents: Despite considerable progress over the last 10 years, applied sport psychology confronts several persistent issues that continue to limit the growth and development of the field. Specifically, issues requiring more comprehensive and proactive attention and initiatives include: the training of graduate students, the accreditation of graduate programs, the job market, and the establishment of systematic educational outreach programs. Suggestions are offered regarding how enhancements in each of the aforementioned issues can be initiated, and potential benefits gained by students, faculty, and the general public are identified and discussed. Given the climate in many academic institutions emphasizing program downsizing, sport psychology may be approaching and confronting one of the most crucial crossroads in its existence. Without direct efforts to assure academic credibility and public confidence in the standards of training and practice, sport psychology may fail to actualize a meaningful future role in the competitive field of allied health service provision.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 34 of 153 found articles
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