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                                       Details for article 136 of 153 found articles
  The nontraditional female athlete: A case study
Title: The nontraditional female athlete: A case study
Author: Jambor, Elizabeth A.
Weekes, Esther M.
Appeared in: Journal of applied sport psychology
Paging: Volume 8 (1996) nr. 2 pages 146-159
Year: 1996-09-01
Contents: Current research presents traditional female college student-athletes as unmarried and childless individuals between 18 and 24 years of age. However, many colleges/universities are experiencing increases in the number of nontraditional students returning to higher education following leave from academic involvement. Possibly, this has implications for an increase in nontraditional student athletes. This case study examined a Caucasian female (age 36), Division II state ranked distance runner at an historically Black college. Compared to female athletes discussed in the literature, this nontraditional athlete was similar in motivation, locus of control, self-esteem, and attentional focus. She was different in role conflict, social support, use of imagery, and anxiety experiences. Nontraditional athletes may have different support systems and vary in participation motivations from the traditional athletes in the literature. Practitioners need to understand nontraditional athletes and the influence of lifestyle differences in relation to training and performance. Practitioners working with nontraditional athletes should focus on the impact of lifestyle and role differences on psychological variables related to participation and performance.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 136 of 153 found articles
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