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  Noguchi Shika: the eternal mother of modern Japan
Titel: Noguchi Shika: the eternal mother of modern Japan
Auteur: Ampiah, Kweku
Verschenen in: Japan forum
Paginering: Jaargang 12 (2000) nr. 1 pagina's 77-85
Jaar: 2000-04-01
Inhoud: This article examines how the narratives about Noguchi Shika and her son, Noguchi Hideyo (Japan's first world-renowned microbiologist), were presented in school textbooks for the purposes of teaching about the essence of motherhood. It argues that the presentations about Noguchi Shika in the prewar textbooks were part of the State's endeavours to turn Japanese women into responsible mothers. The article also argues that the prewar policy of 'good wife, wise mother'( ryosai kenbo ) evolved into a medium for empowering women rather than acting solely as a regressive agent. It therefore shows how the narratives about the Noguchis in both prewar and postwar textbooks concentrated on Shika and her son while excluding Noguchi Sayosuke (the father). By erasing the father from the narratives, the State, as is argued here, furnished women with a social status that undermined the foundations of paternal authority. The core reference materials for this analysis are school textbooks containing narratives about the Noguchis which were published between 1932 and 1980.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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