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  Return to the Melting Pot: An Old American Olympic Story
Titel: Return to the Melting Pot: An Old American Olympic Story
Verschenen in: The international journal of the history of sport
Paginering: Jaargang 25 (2008) nr. 2 pagina's 204-223
Jaar: 2008-02
Inhoud: With the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks looming in the background, the US turned the 2002 winter Olympics in Salt Lake City into a nationalistic pageant. One of the surprises of American celebrations of 'imagined community' at the Salt Lake games was that an old and venerable theme in American Olympic interpretations re-emerged at the 'white' winter carnival in Utah. Notable performances by Mexican-American, Cuban-American, African-American, Chinese-American, Japanese-American, and other 'hyphenated-American' athletes rekindled the US tradition of claiming that a so-called 'melting pot' of immigrants produced Olympic victories and made the US a superpower. 'Melting pot' discourses of American Olympic prowess had been common in the early twentieth century but diminished thereafter. They had been noticeably absent before 2002 in US interpretations of winter games. The revival of this old American Olympic tradition illuminates the continuities and the breaks between twenty-first century US patriotism and earlier versions of US nationalism.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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