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  'To Dip or Not to Dip': The American Flag at the Olympic Games Since 1936
Titel: 'To Dip or Not to Dip': The American Flag at the Olympic Games Since 1936
Verschenen in: The international journal of the history of sport
Paginering: Jaargang 25 (2008) nr. 2 pagina's 163-184
Jaar: 2008-02
Inhoud: Since 1936 US teams have unwaveringly refused to dip the American flag at Olympic parades. The practice has become a hallowed tradition in American displays of national identity. The practice, however, has frequently been a source of controversy and dissension. A startlingly diverse array of athletes, sports bureaucrats, politicians, and social critics has decried the practice. The American press frequently condemned other nations for refusing to dip their flags at Olympics contested in the US, even as they cheered American teams for continuing their tradition of refusal. From the 'Nazi Olympics' to the end of the Cold War, the rest of the world has increasingly adopted this peculiar American habit in spite of the International Olympic Committee's desires for more diplomatic flag gestures. In the US, the tradition remains at the centre of crafting patriotism in Olympic forums.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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