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  Analysis of the seasonal stratification at the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower, northern Adriatic Sea
Titel: Analysis of the seasonal stratification at the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower, northern Adriatic Sea
Auteur: Alberotanza, Luigi
Chiggiato, Jacopo
Profeti, Giuliana
Verschenen in: International journal of remote sensing
Paginering: Jaargang 25 (2004) nr. 7-8 pagina's 1473-1480
Jaar: 2004-04
Inhoud: Underwater biological, optical and physical measurements have been carried out at the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT) in the northern Adriatic Sea on behalf of the European project 'Coastal region long-term measurements for colour remote sensing development and validation' (COLORS). This project is aimed at studying the variability of bio-optical properties and testing existing bio-optical algorithms for the major water parameters. In particular, this paper deals with the analysis of underwater profiles of optical and physical parameters, which are aimed at studying the seasonal development of stratification in the water column. The first part of this paper describes the analysis of long-term series of physical measurements, such as temperature, salinity and conductivity, to enhance the development of stratification. The influence of stratification on the optical properties of the water column is discussed in the second part of the paper, and illustration is made of the application of the previous results to the analysis of the underwater profiles of downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 3 van 46 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland