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  An endarkened feminist epistemology? Identity, difference and the politics of representation in educational research
Titel: An endarkened feminist epistemology? Identity, difference and the politics of representation in educational research
Auteur: Wright, Handel Kashope
Verschenen in: International journal of qualitative studies in education
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2003) nr. 2 pagina's 197-214
Jaar: 2003-03
Inhoud: This paper proposes a postmodernism and cultural studies influenced collorary to Cynthia Dillard's notion of "an endarkened feminist epistemology." The paper illustrates that Dillard has developed the notion principally as enabling of a project of recueillement : the articulation of a black feminist epistemology and research paradigm. What remains unaddressed in this project (albeit understandably), is the question of what difference difference makes within an endarkened epistemology. Illustrating that difference always compounds and complicates matters, the paper proceeds to draw on postmodernist and cultural studies theory to work with the ways in which race, gender, and sexual orientation interplay to produce an articulation that does not displace the notion of an endarkened feminist epistemology but rather runs parallel and acts as a corollary in the same dual project of contributing to both the "uriously belated" examination of race and racism in educational research in general, and the development of a black feminist epistemology and research paradigm in particular.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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