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                                       Details van artikel 36 van 78 gevonden artikelen
  Inside perceptions of public policy making in france: preliminary analysis
Titel: Inside perceptions of public policy making in france: preliminary analysis
Auteur: Vernardakis, George
Verschenen in: International journal of public administration
Paginering: Jaargang 15 (1992) nr. 9 pagina's 1697-1735
Jaar: 1992
Inhoud: The study, based on interviews in Paris with government officials from the Office of the Pres-identify, Prime Minister's Cabinet, cabinets of five important ministries including that of the Economy, grands corps members, and Leaders of the trade unions, seeks to determine the reality of the process of goverrimentai policy making in the Fifth Republic and, most importantly, the influence of the major participants in policy formulation. Cumulatively, the responses point out that the president and prime minister are viewed as the top arbiters of public policy, in the general and social and economic areas. They are followed, in decreasing order , by the Minister of the Economy, the ministers of important ministries, National Assembly, higher civil servants (especially members of the grands corps), Senate, and trade unions. Characteristically, all groups of participants interviewed have tended to rate their own part in the policy process more highly than the other groups had rated it. In general, the preliminary analysis up-holds and corroborates the strength of the executive in the Fifth Republic.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 36 van 78 gevonden artikelen
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