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  The Concept of Wisdom: A Cross-cultural Comparison
Titel: The Concept of Wisdom: A Cross-cultural Comparison
Auteur: Takahashi, Masami
Bordia, Prashant
Verschenen in: International journal of psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 35 (2000) nr. 1 pagina's 1-9
Jaar: 2000-02-01
Inhoud: To examine the meaning of wisdom cross-culturally, American, Australian, Indian, and Japanese samples judged the similarity of seven personality descriptors: "aged," "awakened," "discreet," "experienced," "intuitive," "knowledgeable," and "wise." Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis revealed different clustering patterns for the Western (American and Australian) and the Eastern (Indian and Japanese) samples. For the Westerners, "wise" was clustered with "experienced" and "knowledgeable," whereas the Easterners associated "wise" with "discreet." Further, the Western samples selected "wise" and "knowledgeable" as the favourable descriptors for an ideal self whereas mixed results were obtained from the Eastern samples. The results suggest that the conceptualization of wisdom in the West differs from that in the East, with the former emphasizing the cognitive dimension and the latter stressing the cognitive and the affective dimensions. Cette etude interculturelle du concept de sagesse compare des echantillons des Etats-Unis, de l'Australie, de l'Inde et du Japon qui ont a juger la similitude de sept descripteurs de la personnalite: "age", "eveille", "discret", "experimente", "intuitif", "informe" et "sage". Une analyse par la technique de mesure multidimensionnelle revele des patterns de regroupement differents pour les echantillons occidentaux (Etats-Unis et Australie) et orientaux (Inde et Japon). Chez les Occidentaux, le terme "sage" est regroupe avec "experimente" et "informe" tandis que chez les Orientaux, "sage" est associe a "discret". De plus, les echantillons occidentaux choisissent les terms "sage" et "informe" comme descripteurs de soi ideal alors que dans les echantillons orientaux, les resultats sont mixtes. Ces donnees suggerent que l'Occident et l'Orient concoivent differemment la sagesse, l'Occident mettant l'accent sur la dimension cognitive et l'Orient sur les dimensions cognitive et affective.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 8 van 9 gevonden artikelen
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