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                                       Details van artikel 80 van 129 gevonden artikelen
  Mental models as a practical tool in the engineer's toolbox
Titel: Mental models as a practical tool in the engineer's toolbox
Auteur: Sinreich, David
Gopher, Daniel
Ben-Barak, Shay
Marmor, Yariv
Lahat, Rakefet
Verschenen in: International journal of production research
Paginering: Jaargang 43 (2005) nr. 14 pagina's 2977-2996
Jaar: 2005-07-15
Inhoud: Industrial engineering methods are very successful in coping with well-structured systems and processes. However, when it comes to analysing, planning and controlling systems which contain unstructured processes, managers and engineers are faced with a much more difficult task. This is especially true in systems where teams and individuals have a significant role in the daily operation, monitoring and decision-making. In these situations, the processes may be performed differently by different individuals depending on their perceptions, concepts, ideas and perceived system status, all of which are denoted as the operators' Mental Model (MM) of the system. This study develops a similarity measure to quantify the differences between MMs. This is done by eliciting the operators' subjective perceptions of the system and their role within it (Mental Model), and comparing them to a standard description reference model which represents management's policy of how the system should be operated. Analysing the differences between these models may facilitate intervention approaches in closing these gaps and may help in creating better-synchronized and synergistic teamwork. Use of this similarity measure is demonstrated in a hospital ED environment.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 80 van 129 gevonden artikelen
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