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  Glass Transition Temperature, Compatibility and Viscosity of Poly(methyl metacrylate) Blended with Homo-or Copolymers of Alkyl Metacrylates
Titel: Glass Transition Temperature, Compatibility and Viscosity of Poly(methyl metacrylate) Blended with Homo-or Copolymers of Alkyl Metacrylates
Auteur: Eme'yanov, D. N.
Myachev, V. A.
Dreval, V. E.
Vinogradov, G. V.
Verschenen in: International journal of polymeric materials
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (1990) nr. 3-4 pagina's 191-203
Jaar: 1990-09-01
Inhoud: Investigation of glass transition temperature and viscosity of binary mixtures of poly(methyl metacrylate) with statistic copolymers of methyl metacrylate and ethyl, butyl or octyl metacrylates as well as mixtures of poly(methyl metacrylate) with poly(ethyl, poly(butyl or poly(octyl metacrylates) has been carried out. The regions of one-and two-phase states of the above-mentioned mixtures were found from the glass transition temperature date. It has been shown that the mixtures of poly(methyl metacrylate) with copolymers of methyl metacrylate in combination with ethyl metacrylate are capable of forming one-phase systems throughout the whole range of the mixture compositions when extensively varying the copolymers compositions. The transition to copolymers of methyl metacrylate involving butyl and especially octyl metacrylates leads to a sharp narrowing of the range of the composition of their mixtures with poly(methyl metacrylate) in which they form one-phase-systems. We have established dependences of compatability boundaries of the polymers under investigation on their solubility parameters. It has also been shown that the viscosities of the one-phase systems under study vary with mixture concentrations according to the simplest additivity rule of viscosity logarithm. The transition to a two-phase mixtures leads in most cases to a negative divergence from the rule. A dramatic increase in their viscosity can take place in the narrow composition region on transition from a one-phase to a two-phase state.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 3 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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