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  Control of Sugarcane Pyrilla and Whitefly by Aerial Application of Emulsifiable Concentrates at Ultra-Low-Volume
Titel: Control of Sugarcane Pyrilla and Whitefly by Aerial Application of Emulsifiable Concentrates at Ultra-Low-Volume
Auteur: Ahmad, Fariduddin
Tariq, Zafarullah Khan
Huque, Heshamul
Verschenen in: International journal of pest management
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (1970) nr. 1 pagina's 165-171
Jaar: 1970-03-01
Inhoud: Large scale field trials were undertaken with emulsifiable concentrates of different organophosphorus insecticides to control Pyrilla and whitefly, two serious pests of the sugarcane crop in the Peshawar Division of West Pakistan. All emulsifiable concentrates excepting Dimecron were applied in concentrate form without diluting with water. Of the seven insecticides tested against Pyrilla adults and nymphs, Dimecron, Lebaycid, Nexion (Bromophos) and Malathion gave superior control. In the case of whitefly, Dimecron, Lebaycid and Malathion gave almost equal mortality of adults and 3rd instar nymphs when applied at 8, 8 and 17 oz a.i./ac respectively, but much higher dosages would be required to get satisfactory control of the 4th instar nymphs. The cost of operations for the ultra-low-volume technique (excluding cost of insecticide) was 66% less than for the conventional method.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 10 van 54 gevonden artikelen
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