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  Diverging paths in upper secondary education: competence attainment among students with special educational needs
Titel: Diverging paths in upper secondary education: competence attainment among students with special educational needs
Auteur: Myklebust, Jon Olav
Verschenen in: International journal of inclusive education
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (2007) nr. 2 pagina's 215-231
Jaar: 2007-03
Inhoud: The main objective of specially adapted teaching in upper secondary education in Norway is to help students attain vocational or academic competence. However, a contested issue is whether it is conducive to place students with special educational needs in regular or special classes. Another question is whether boys and girls benefit to the same degree from placement in a specific type of class. The analyses presented in this article are based on data from a longitudinal study of nearly 500 adolescents with special educational needs who have been followed prospectively over 6 years. The results demonstrate that students receiving special support in regular classes obtain vocational or academic qualifications to a greater degree than students in special classes. In particular, girls benefit from placement in regular classes. This pattern does not change when the analyses control for relevant variables that are known to affect competence attainment, e.g. the students' functional level registered at the start of upper secondary school.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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