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                                       Details for article 6 of 8 found articles
  The nature of the times deceas'd
Title: The nature of the times deceas'd
Author: Fowler, Peter J.
Appeared in: International journal of heritage studies
Paging: Volume 1 (1994) nr. 1 pages 6-17
Year: 1994
Contents: The essay reflects on the nature of time as a cultural function, especially in the light of the 'heritage industry' of the 1980s. In trying to identify the nature of some changes in relationships between pasts and present in the 1990s, the author suggests the concept of 'post-heritage', defines it, and glances at its applicability to 1994.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 6 of 8 found articles
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