Comments on the environmental health implications of Acanthamoeba
Comments on the environmental health implications of Acanthamoeba
Chukwuma, Chrysanthus
Verschenen in:
International journal of environmental health research
Jaargang 6 (1996) nr. 1 pagina's 49-54
Acanthamoeba has been designated an emerging environmental, public health and clinical problem. It is an uncommon, but increasingly prevalent infection liable to cause perturbative ocular damage, particularly in frequent contact lens wearers. The clinical course, specificities in ophthalmologic and parasitologic diagnosis, drug and surgical treatment of Acanthamoebakeratitis pose a difficulty to both clinicians and researchers. New insights have been provided with respect to the risk factors, incidence, and pathogenesis of contact lens-associated infectious keratitis. Acanthamoebakeratitis may be associated with poor outcome, even with intensive treatment, especially in the later clinical course of the disease with its distinct characteristic features which are perturbative in our environment.