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  Medicaid patient asthma-related acute care visits and their associations with ozone and particulates in Washington, DC, from 1994-2005
Titel: Medicaid patient asthma-related acute care visits and their associations with ozone and particulates in Washington, DC, from 1994-2005
Auteur: Babin, Steven
Burkom, Howard
Holtry, Rekha
Tabernero, Nathaniel
Davies-Cole, John
Stokes, Lynette
DeHaan, Kerda
Lee, Deitra
Verschenen in: International journal of environmental health research
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 209-221
Jaar: 2008-06
Inhoud: The primary objective of this ecologic and contextual study is to determine statistically significant short-term associations between air quality (daily ozone and particulate concentrations) and Medicaid patient general acute care daily visits for asthma exacerbations over 11 years for Washington, DC residents, and to identify regions and populations that may experience increased asthma exacerbations related to air quality. After removing long-term trends and day-of-week effects in the Medicaid data, Poisson regression was applied to daily time series data. Significant associations were found between asthma-related general acute care visits and ozone concentrations. Significant associations with both ozone and PM2.5 concentrations were observed for 5- to 12-year-olds. While poor air quality was closely associated with asthma exacerbations observed in acute care visits in areas where Medicaid enrollment was high, the strongest associations between asthma-related visits and air quality were not always for the areas with the highest Medicaid enrollment.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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