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                                       Details for article 3 of 14 found articles
  A discrete-time doubly coprime factorization based on the predictor-based LQG controller
Title: A discrete-time doubly coprime factorization based on the predictor-based LQG controller
Author: Ishihara, Tadashi
Watanabe, Tetsuo
Zheng, Liang-An
Inooka, Hikaru
Appeared in: International journal of control
Paging: Volume 55 (1992) nr. 5 pages 1201-1218
Year: 1992-05-01
Contents: Based on the predictor-based LQG controller, we derive a state-space representation of a discrete-time doubly coprime factorization. This representation can easily be obtained by applying standard numerical methods for a state-space model of a plant. We find a simple relation between the factorizations for different delays. Then we propose a simple and convenient parameterization of all stabilizing controllers under general feedback delays. By this parametrization, we can easily apply various new design techniques, which are usually proposed for continuous-time systems, to discrete-time systems under general feedback delays. As an application, we discuss loop transfer recovery using the free parameter in the proposed parametrization.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 3 of 14 found articles
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