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  Advanced life-cycle model for complex product development via stage-aligned information-substitutive concurrency and detour
Titel: Advanced life-cycle model for complex product development via stage-aligned information-substitutive concurrency and detour
Auteur: Tianfield, Huaglory
Verschenen in: International journal of computer integrated manufacturing
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (2001) nr. 3 pagina's 281-303
Jaar: 2001-05-01
Inhoud: Product development has become increasingly complex, particularly because user requirements have become increasingly critical. Most existing paradigms of complex product development continue to be fragmented with respect to the whole of product development and to be isolated with respect to each other, and what is worse, deviate from the radical thread of product development due to the concealment created by enterprise engineering. In this paper, a novel advanced life-cycle model, named stage-aligned informationsubstitutive concurrency and detour life-cycle model (SICODEL), is initially put forward for complex product development. SICODEL organically incorporates into a whole the ideas from a variety of existing paradigms, including concurrent engineering, (unified) life-cycle engineering, design for X, production planning and control, virtual prototype, intra/ inter-enterprise information integration, and rapid prototype and evolutionary life-cycle models of software engineering. SICODEL carries out thoroughgoingpenetrative organization and coordination of all processes related to product development. Furthermore, formalized procedures and specifications are originally established in SICODEL by the aid of three innovations, i.e. omniconstrained information processing, generalized relaxed iteration, and information-flow cluster-variate analysis. Finally, the key points of SICODEL are validated by the operations management of a power station boiler works.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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