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  Turbulent Two-Phase Flow Through a Sudden Pipe Expansion: LDA Experiments and CFD Predictions
Titel: Turbulent Two-Phase Flow Through a Sudden Pipe Expansion: LDA Experiments and CFD Predictions
Auteur: Brankovic, A.
Currie, I. G.
Verschenen in: International journal of computational fluid dynamics
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (1996) nr. 3 pagina's 189-205
Jaar: 1996-05-01
Inhoud: Experimental and numerical methods are applied to study the turbulent single-phase flow and bubbly two-phase flow through a sudden pipe expansion. The flow Reynolds numbers studied are 7,138 and 9,025, the mean bubble diameter is 0.6 mm and the mean bubble void fraction is 0.18% in both cases. Experimental methods include the use of Laser Doppler Anemometry for mean velocity and turbulence measurements of the liquid flow. Also measured are the mean velocity, turbulence intensity and size, and the local void fraction of the gas bubble component of the two-phase flow field. Numerical methods include the use of a Navier-Stokes flow solver to predict the liquid phase flow field and a stochastic trajectory method to predict the motion of spherical gas bubbles in the liquid flow field. The experimental and numerical methods are described and comparisons between the measured and predicted results for velocity, turbulence and void fraction distributions are discussed in detail.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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