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  Research paper
Titel: Research paper
Auteur: Broadbent, Jeanne
Verschenen in: international journal of children's spirituality
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2004) nr. 1 pagina's 97-104
Jaar: 2004-04
Inhoud: In this age of technological change and innovation which has had a major impact upon schools, together with the continuing demands of an assessment driven curriculum, are schools providing opportunities which will develop and enhance children's creative, aesthetic and spiritual experiences? It is the contention of this paper that learning through the medium of creative dance can provide an opportunity which can deepen children's spiritual awareness and provide a context for the development of a kinaesthetic intelligence which enables children to embody, and give expression to, abstract ideas and concepts. In the discussion of the initial findings from a small scale research project carried out with Y3 children, we shall see that although the children's developing spirituality is very much interconnected with their everyday lives and preoccupations, the dance work enabled them to connect with an abstract theme in a concrete way, and inspired them to create a symbolic interpretation of the Creation story.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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