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                                       Details for article 4 of 10 found articles
  Empty Wells: how well are we doing at spiritual well-being?
Title: Empty Wells: how well are we doing at spiritual well-being?
Author: Elton-Chalcraft, Sally
Appeared in: international journal of children's spirituality
Paging: Volume 7 (2002) nr. 3 pages 309-328
Year: 2002-12-01
Contents: This paper presents ten teachers' perceptions of spirituality and considers how these can be categorized. A small research project, recently undertaken, is described. Teachers' stories are contextualised with biographical details, and are presented within a framework of four dimensions of Spirituality (the inner, the social and moral, the environmental and the transcendental) and Spirituality is defined metaphorically as a hologram with four dimensions. I argue that by viewing spirituality in four broad dimensions the bland consensus definition can be avoided resulting in rich fulfilling opportunities for developing children's own unique and varied spiritualities.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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