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  A Qualitative Exploration of Relational Consciousness in Christian Children
Title: A Qualitative Exploration of Relational Consciousness in Christian Children
Author: Reimer, Kevin S.
Furrow, James L.
Appeared in: international journal of children's spirituality
Paging: Volume 6 (2001) nr. 1 pages 7-23
Year: 2001-06-01
Contents: Nye's (1998) core construct of relational consciousness in child spirituality embraces a wider dialogue with social and personality psychology. Relatedness in spirituality implies the importance of language, mind, and the self as guideposts for development. In this research we seek to qualitatively expand our understanding of relational consciousness around recent work in these three domains. Twelve school-age children are given detailed interviews dealing with spirituality framed by the relational consciousness core construct. Transcribed responses are analysed using grounded theory methodology. Theoretical categories are assembled into a preliminary framework for relational consciousness as a social and contextual phenomenon. The relationships between categories in the framework are outlined in terms of mental representation and self/other orientation in the child. We conclude that relational consciousness and its social framework commends a pedocentric, community-based approach to religious education.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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